AnalystX UK
Our Values
Our vision: A thriving community leading the movement for data-driven, evidence-based decision-making by sharing learning across health and social care beyond typical organisational and geographic boundaries.
Workforce Professionalisation
AnalystX Workforce Professionalisation
Developing career paths for Data and Analytics professionals in Health and Care. FutureNHS login required.
National Competency Framework
A list of National Competency Framework for Data Professionals , this section includes NCF self Assessment tool, Evidenc portfolio tool and management dashboard.
AnalystX Observatory
The objective of the ‘AnalystX Observatory’ is to focus on the analytical profession in order to quantify, provide insights, intelligence and assurance that all levels of organisation strategy and delivery within the NHS are making the best use of a well-developed analytical workforce. .
Learning and Development
AnalystX Learning and Development
AnalystX has compiled some excellent signposting to learning and development resources. Check these out as grouped by Communities, software package, or training focused on NHS dataset knowledge.
Communities L&D
Further to the L&D section, you can also access L&D material including coding clubs via different communities.
Data Literacy
Developing a pan organisation data literacy competency framework for non data professionals.
Communities Show and Tells
This sector provides an easy access to all community show and tells for anyone who has missed the live show.
AnalystX Huddles
AnalystX huddles are hour-long webinars held twice a month, designed to empower healthcare professionals, data enthusiasts, and decision-makers with the knowledge and insights they need to transform healthcare.
Available Datasets
A list of synthetic datasets for training and activities for hackathon, exercise, coding clubs and testing.
Data and Analytics Communities
A list of pan organisations communities to support development of an individual in Data and Analytics
Applied Evaluation
This workspace offers access to and training in research, evaluation and evidence. It’s designed for analysts and policy teams and includes the tools and information you need to ensure NHS programmes are underpinned by the best available evidence and robust evaluation.
Data Engineering
Our community is Informal (we keep it friendly!), Respectful (it's cool to be kind!), Open (we're here to learn) and Valuable. You're welcome to join us and we'd love to hear about your experiences.
Data Science
We are a community of data science professionals and enthusiasts across the health and care system. Our mission is to create a community accessible by anyone interested in data science, where we can share resources, projects and events, and signpost other communities.
Data Viz and BI
Our mission is to build a culture of excellence in data visualisation and BI across the NHS and beyond. Join us in shaping the future of data-driven decision-making!
Gen AI
This is a community to provide a platform for community members to showcase and share their current practice in generative AI, the collection of use cases will enable us to help develop future usage of AI and gen AI capability for the NHS.
To drive innovation and best practices in the use of GIS in the UK health and care sector, a Centre of Excellence has been established. This centre serves as a hub for expertise, providing training, resources, and support to healthcare organisations and professionals.
nhs.pycom mission is to promote the use of python in health and care, enable data professionals in health and care sector to consider "code first" and share their products across the public sector. adopting RAP principles.
Process Mining
Imagine your healthcare journey as a winding road filled with twists and turns, from the moment you present at your GP with a problem to when you leave hospital treated. Now, picture a tool that acts like a map, guiding healthcare providers through every step you take during that journey. That's essentially what process mining does in healthcare.